iPad Protection Plan and School Technology Agreement Grades 3-5

Technology agreements and a device protection plan selection for students entering grades 3-5, must be processed online via the MySchoolBucks (MSB) Technology Store before the start of school. Grades 3-5 students will bring their school assigned device to/from school each day and they will be assigned their device on the first days of school by their classroom teacher.

For questions, see the FAQ section below. If you have additional questions, please email diglearningtech@howell.k12.nj.us or call 732-751-2480.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I process the Protection Plan and authorizations via MSB?

A: Directions for using MSB and processing authorizations can be found here: English, Spanish, Russian

Q: Can I send my child with a device?

A: Only district owned devices can be utilized in school. We cannot support a personal device or install district owned applications/licenses on personal equipment.

Q: Do the agreements and a protection plan need to be processed each school year?

A: Yes, the plans and payment are based on the current school years' coverage.

Q: Can students in grades 3-5 pick-up their assigned device prior to the start of school?


A: Devices for students in grades 3-5 are not being distributed prior to the start of the school year. Students in 3-5 will be assigned their device to take to/from school in their classroom during the first days of school.